The Harmonic Circle New Moon Retreat
The Harmonic Circle New Moon retreat
New moons are a time to create, reset, regenerate. The sky is dark on a new moon, resembling a blank canvas and a time of potential. New Moons represent beginnings. They are for planting seeds and setting intentions for our dreams, goals, and wishes. They’re an opportunity to take ownership for what we want to manifest and to commit to the actions, thoughts and behaviors necessary to get us there.
Manifesting the life we want requires us to clearly decide on what we want – it is said that the universe conspires to give us all we want and more when we focus our energy. If this message resonates, you are coming to the right place!
• Everyone is Welcome
• Spaces are limited
• You don’t have to have any prior knowledge about New Moons, cacao, intentions, energy healing or vision boards to participate. I take the time to explain the meaning and intention behind each component of our retreats and questions are welcomed.
What you can expect:
• New Moon Manifesting & Intention setting
• Breath work
• Crystal cleansing
• Moon water
• Cacao ceremony
• Guided Meditation
• Energy Healing
• How to use are 369 golden triangle Manifestation manual
• Community + Connection.
You will be walking away feeling fresh an new.
Tickets are £20